Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Short Thoughts on How to Open My Heart to Scriptures

   It seems to me that the different churches receive different kinds of messages, many things have been wrongly interpreted because we don't understand Paul's heart for the people he is writing to.  When I see that the Corinthians were practicing asceticism and going to the extreme of not marrying I understand why Paul wrote to them certain things about marriage.  For understanding this it was particularly helpful when I read the messages to the seven churches in Revelation.  If I decide to read an Epistle from front to back I can now pray and give up my thoughts to God as I read it so that whatever is in line with me and what I need to receive would be drawn in and what isn't for me would be left out.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Beautiful areas where I personally see God’s Kingdom is being eestablished

Rough Thoughtspill on Beautiful areas where I personally see God’s Kingdom is being eestablished especially with creativity and technology and art, #good-news #goodnews #good_news.
Graham Cooke:
community fairs
environment changers --->  tongues as group
Heidi Baker
Stars and Astronomy
Dance artwork with lights, getting used to God decorationg the room in worhsip with glitter and other shiny objects
String theory
Vibrations fun with Dan McColam, Joanne McFatter, Ray Hughes, David Van Koevering
Inventions for the Kingdom
Animals being educated and blessed,  e.g. very organically does it happen that a Dog in Christan home learns to say “I love you”, wow I love that dog Samson he’s so awesome.  
“He bled and then he died and then he rose again for me”
dressing as we are seen in the spirit.  decorating our houses as we see the ones in heaven being built for us
Space Exploration
Beautiful Lord Jesus his face shines beyond all stars and galaxies and beauty, perhaps glitter decorates his face as the glories of the discovered cosmos
For Dancers and other worshipers
Building worship toys and instrumentslike the angels use in heaven,
      glitter spreaders, colored water dripping from tip of arms for dancers, balls that distribute light rays and glitter through the room.  
wedding bells
bells on pants and on clothes for dancers
colors colors everywhere
worship arenas were everybody gets dirty with paint, oil, molten gold, molten liquids with gold dust on them and perfume and incense and frankincense and molten gold and myhrr and testimonies and thoughts and imaginations flowing and creating like wild spirit-hearts as dances for King Father God, and Jesus and other unthought of stuff getting splashed and spread everywhere beautiful Lord Jesus all for your glory and the sake of intimiacy to your face and your bosom Lord Jesus. Glory!  in his temple all cry,  :D! sun shine! sun shine! you are the sun Jesus.  We love you Lord Jesus, we want your love and your life to flow through us Lord Jesus. thank you for revealing these things to the infants and babes and to give to the infants and babes and those orphans and widows and those poor in spirit, those who will receive it with the the most delight and with the best stewardship.   lord jesus, love you ;).  whoah! shaka baba, boyaba saka he!  :)
instuments that do all of the above, all senses targeted through same instrument.  
God’s tangible love and we are all hugging, strong bass speakers from music all over room --> touch, colors, sound, smell, and taste through smells and maybe mana from heaven too :). thank you Lord Jesus
the blood of Jesus and his image being impressed hopelesssly and transfixed into the image center of our eyes’ permavision, we see the world through his image and his eyes as he lives inside of us.  Beautiful lord Jesus, beautiful are the feet Jesus :D
I think Holy Spirit says I”m done. I will worship now and be in heaven thank you Jesus.