Monday, June 8, 2020

Integration of New Believers into the Community

Written Summer of 2011

For new believers who have little or no background in the faith:

Know that the new friends that surround you are capable of greatly supporting you with the same love of God that must have drawn you to make your life changing decision. We are told in // a place of the first five books of the new testament// "Be holy/perfect as I am holy/perfect"//. Your new companions, however are there merely to guide you to the one who is perfect, though they strive as you undoubtedly do right now to accept God's love and grace more and more every day they are of course far from the achievement that may be only fully realized when God's work for us on earth is complete. Many of them are however very much familiar with ways of reaching more of this so necessary love, and of how to deal with the lies that discourage us and prevent us from being able to fully grasp it. They might not be able to comprehend or remember the exact situation you are in so as to give you the perfect advice, but do listen attentively to their experiences in confronting their own problems. You will most likely be inspired and hopefully will feel more hope and faith in the God who saved them and has used them to reach out to you.

EXCERPTED: They have been through many years of the walk you are just beginning and though they might even find themselves having to come to the same maturity you are now beginning to attain the

For he who has brought new believers to faith, who has much background, but perhaps as much or even less faith than those he saved:
You have been through many years of the walk they are just beginning. Worry you might, that you might even find them exceeding you in levels of spiritual maturity and doing so much faster than you did. The difference in your situation however is that by living the Christian lifestyle you have laid essential groundwork for living this life that they might not have. Such preparations are immensely valuable tools you may use to encourage them and to equip yourself to triumph and victory over sin, they include of course: good habits Bible reading or prayer, knowing to not ever forsake the body, familiarity with powerful scriptures used through life experiences, knowledge of resources, owning books, cds, pamphlets, handouts from conferences, etc. Recall all these experiences and what treasurable moments they have contributed to your life's memories. By reminding yourself of this you will bring back moments of the faith you once had and I do dare add recollections of contributions to your personal level of emotional satisfaction. For though the soul is not everything it is far better to have been entertained with these spiritual fun things throughout your life than to have had the deceitful things of the world for pleasure. All these experiences will be the fun things of the world you might desire to invite your new brothers and sisters into.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God through salvation for everyone who believes. Rom. 1:16

God has been bringing this verse to my memory.

Were not those experiences powerful? Just be true to what you saw and felt and do be honest with those around you about what you experience in conferences you go to or have been to even the simple feeling of comfort you experience through the same prayer experiences that you might give them. They are most always willing to receive this support from you.

Anyway yes that stuff is awesome, I wish to be united with all you my brothers and sisters in holding fast to these principles because they were easy to forget in a time when I was a bit distracted, but when God might have wanted me to use them. Anyway I am glad they will of good use to whoever might receive them now and that I am now accountable to impact people's lives with them in the future. Hhahhahahaha!! imitate Messiah, he was "created to destroy the works of the devil". We can help him out !

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